UPDATE!!!!!!!  Available 2022 Scholarships Application period is open

How to accept awarded scholarships.   Follow this link for a video example    http://www.screenr.com/Q5MN


Students and Parents: 

For the Scholarship Application:

This application system will send you an email when you register and submit applications.  If the student does not receive such notice, the email used is probably invalid.  It is extremely important that students complete this process accurately.  Phoenix Dollars for Scholars will not be responsible for applications that are incorrect or incomplete.




The Special/Unusual circumstances essay is not scored. You do not have to complete it, however, some scholarships may be targeted to students who meet  a requirement of special circumstances.  Please review our list of scholarships in order to determine. If you choose not to complete this essay, Please type NA in the field and save and continue. To review available scholarships, download a list from the link, when posted on this page on or about Jan 1.  Note they may change during the year, in value and or number.  

Many applicants have asked about length of essays.  Please submit essays ranging from 250-500 words.


GPA Entry

Select weighted, scale=105.00

obtain your GPA from Guidance after February 1

Students and Parents: Click below to log into the ChapterNet Student Dashboard! You may be eligible for national scholarships or to link to our partner organizations.